One Of Eleventy-Million Head Gasket Replacements
Back in 2004 or so…….
Getting ready to lift cab… Left side done…
Right side done… Running boards off…
Cab bolts from inside on 4DR trucks…
Head off…Not hard to see the lack of sealing on that cylinder in the lower right of the picture….
New MLS factory Ford gaskets in place, and studs ’bout to go in…
Studs in…. New HPOP oil inlet filter. New Engine Oil Cooler going in also…..
Going back together….99% of the time when we tell the customer that changing the HPOP and IPR now will save $750 in labor later on, they say go ahead, but this time the customer simply did not have the funds. It’s a big gamble! And it may NOT pay off for him. The Engine Oil Cooler was restricted so the HPOP was pumping overheated oil, AND the HPOP oil inlet screen was completely gone, meaning when the screen finally sucked in, the screen AND all the trash it had filtered was drawn through the pump…..this pump has been starved for oil, pumped overheated oil, AND had to pass a screen and all the trash trapped in the screen… IS on borrowed time, and it WILL fail…period, end of topic…..not heeding a reputable service facilities advice on these engines is one of the biggest reasons these 6.0L engines have gotten such a bad reputation for staying in the shop. You can BET this one WILL be back in soon with a dead HPOP.
This screen did not come from this engine…but it is THE BEST ONE we’ve ever removed and it had one segment torn….no screen material went through the HPOP, but all the trash in the oil reservoir DID….this one came from an 06 model, which at the time was not a 4 year old truck yet, and had only 104,000 miles….